Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Week Two Task

Identify a model of change to help explain change within an organization you have experienced

An Analysis From CC (XIE YUCHEN)

Implication of this model

Looking carefully at the picture about “change management model” and reading those 3 cases(CN1, 2, 3) about processes of changes in teaching and learning, I consider almost all changes occurred in school would follow these steps: design, implement, manage change, evaluate and assess. We find this model from Internet and consider that this model contains abundant factors that people, tools and process are 3 element in change model. On the other hand, it reminds me of a change in our educational faculty in my college--Zhejiang University of Technology. 

Design and Implement
Its the first time that our faculty use a detecting system of undergraduate project, this system is made by a graduate student one year ago, then with the help and cooperation with teachers and professors in our faculty, it is gradually mature to become a completed system to be used. We are the first group to try this system, which is a simple system to manipulate, but still had some little problems.

Manage change

The tutor told us that if we have some problem with this system, immediately email him and he would make attempts to find solutions. Once we found a problem about uploading assignment, he and his working group spent 3 days to solve this difficulty, finally inform us to try system again in time. 


Both teachers and students use this system during the graduate period, all the steps about our project worked well regarding the reflect from either teachers or students, including conveying message, uploading assignment, download application forms, check spelling mistakes, confirm results and so on. 


After that, out tutor asked us to make a questionnaire. Reasonably, this system works well now and the functions become more and more for catering to students’ and teachers’ need. 
As I mentioned above, this change on technology used in T&L is totally follow this change of model: design, implement, manage change, evaluate and assess.

Answer from Abby (Yao Ruyan)
Identify the model: As we can tell from the chart, the changing model is continuous which means the whole process operates in a circle. The core of change are people,tools and process. These three elements are influencing each other during the whole changing modle. There are five steps in the process of changing:assess, design, implement, manage change, evaluate. This modle can be fully used into an change story in my faculty in Zhejiang University of Technology--Faculty of Humanities.

The Faculty tried to use a new system for students information management. During the changing process, the faculty did whole following the five steps.

Assess: Before choosing a specific system, the faculty wanted to do a few researches about the opinions students and teachers having for the old system. They also searched all
information about these new systems can be chose. 
Design and implement:After the preparation of collecting information and making assessment of all conditions, the Faculty chose a system named "Yuanchuang Wang". And they also made some changes of the system to adapt the real situation for Faculty of Humanities. The system was on trial in the faculty for couple of months for the final decision.
Manage change: There was a specific team helping students and teachers with the new system. They offered all technical helps and also improved the system for better adapted to the using habit of the students and teachers. 
Evaluate: During the probation period of the "Yuanchuang Wang", teachers in our faculty hold several meetings about exchanging their ideas and opinions of using this system. Students were also asked to fill a questionnaire about the system. 

At last, the faculty chose the "Yuanchuang Wang" as the new system for the whole faculty. Until now, my faculty are still using this system.

Edited by Anne (HUANG Anni)

There should be many models of change for demonstrating how the manager predict and deal with the unexpected events. Looking at this specific change management diagram, people, process and tools as important factors influence the implementation inside organization. From design to access, the changing is continuous because people may encounter new ideas or infrastructure of institution is improved. It is significant to be aware of what happen around you and adapt to change. 

In BNUZ, the dean identifies that it is difficult for students to speak English outside classroom. To extend the classroom and facilitate daily communication with English, the crew decides to require both teachers and children "no Chinese at school".

(1) Design
The first stage is design, which not only involving what we want to do but how we can achieve it. The authority and teachers meet regularly and frequently to discuss the details. At last, we come up with a constructive diagram containing intended learning outcomes and teaching and learning activities and assessment method as well.

(2) Implement 
According to the schedule, we need to enrich the teaching tools. For example, learning that today's children like to read online, the school buy several e-book for students.  By doing this, students can easily to take resources away and read large amount of books. 

(3) Manage Change 
For teachers, they could suffer punishment if they are found to speak Chinese during the working time. Generally, the punishment is deducting wages. The purpose is reminding them building an English environment. Although the disciplines meet arguing, some teachers say that it is unnecessary to speak English such as during delivering information. However, the regulation keeps ongoing and proved to be benefit.

(4) Evaluate
The feedback mainly comes teachers' and students' feedback. School organized interview to collect data about their ideas and identify what improvements can be made. 

(5) Assess
Based on the feedback and observation of teachers, the school summarize that students become more active and show great passion on learning English. Comparing with other schools, the learning performance is obviously better. 

Understanding from Janey (HU Jiani)

We find this model and think this one can help us understanding the topic.People,tools and process are three main factors to support a successful organization and they are changing all the time.Design, implement, manage change, evaluate and assess are influence other factors as a circle, and turn out as continuous improvement.

I want to analysis this model with my experience of my university in Mainland China where I got my bachelor degree.My faculty developed a new system for Japanese language learning.

Firstly,the leader-group of my faculty design this system with a software compony together. They did survey for students and teachers, collected the problems in current learning that time and our expectations. Then they designed a system like a online Japanese learning community.

We can use it in and out of class, and also have connection with other website and universities. We can communicate with teachers and other classmates, even Japanese learner from other organizations on the forum of the system. There is a database in this online system, teachers and students share resources together. We can update the datas freely and get the latest useful resources.

(3)Manage change
By using this system, teachers can know the need of students timely and control the degree of students' learning.  The faculty also can know the process of teaching and learning, and make suitable strategy.

The supervisors of this system update the survey anytime if necessary. Students and teachers give feedback for them to improve the system. If there are any bugs, they can fix it timely.

Based on the feedback of students and teachers, the faculty developed a assess system for evaluating the learning outcomes of students.

1 comment:

  1. Good that you have used this model to describe what happened in your organisation
